JLP performance Consulting

Performance Consulting

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                                                                   Our P3 Approach


Our P3 approach - Probe, Perspective and Performance, functions as an identifier and integrator of all critical success factors for initiatives. This includes understanding end-benefit impacts at the enterprise level and at employee level where work is performed.


Probe - What do you really want to get out the project – what value is it going to create for the organization? Is it a good fit with the strategy and culture of the culture of your organization? Probing systematically better defines the initiative so that it will be successful. Probe leads to understanding the essence of the initiative and the benefit creating mechanisms that provide end-benefits.




Perspective - It’s critical to take various perspectives into account – who are the stakeholders, what do they want to get out the project, and what do they need to know to do their work and feel comfortable? Perspective involves examining the initiative from viewpoints of each participant and stakeholder (e.g., workers, managers, customers, suppliers, investors, etc.) and from viewpoints of flow of knowledge, use of technology, physical workspace, etc. Taking perspectives develops the critical success factors, and shows how each interacts within the initiative and with the key constituents. This will help you manage all the stakeholders and address the risks.



Performance - Obtaining success requires making sure that you always keep focused on how the initiative will perform to provide its end-benefits. By end-benefits is meant focusing on cost savings or increased revue and not stopping the focus with providing internal productivity (i.e., how is productivity increased and how does this increased productivity benefit the organization). It is easy to become consumed with meeting deadlines and staying within budget so that just getting the project done becomes the focus rather than the end-benefit. Developing frameworks that breakdown the project can help you see if you are keeping the project design and development on track to obtain valuable results. The performance dimension focuses on tangible goals you can measure.      




The P3 approach evolved from Dr. Poage’s:

  • Experience in optimal control theory and applied probability gained through earning a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from Harvard’s School of Engineering and Applied Science and a M.S. and B.S. in electrical engineering from Stanford University,
  • (Experience in systems analysis, policy analysis, and Human Factors gained from work on future concepts for Air Traffic Control with the FAA and NASA, and
  • (Understanding of applications in business and industry gained through work with Kopin Corporation, World Bank, Working Knowledge Research Center in the School of Executive Education at Babson College, and the Bassi-Kelley Group Wealth Management Team at Merrill Lynch.                   




"Jim has a remarkable ability to facilitqate large meetings...to reach consensus. He doesn't force the outcome, but rather surfaces one through systematic analysis and research."

Research Psychologist,
NASA Ames Research Center












JLP Performance Consulting 
17 Westwood Road     Lexington, MA 02420
781.652.8531     poage@post.harvard.edu